[b. 1530/32, Mons, Spanish Hainaut--d. June 14, 1594, Munich]
Latin ORLANDUS LASSUS, also called ROLAND DE LASSUS; Flemish composer whose music
stands at the apex of the Franco-Netherlandish style that dominated European music of the

One of the most remarkable
characteristics of Sherlock Holmes was his power of throwing his brain out of action and
switching all his thoughts on to lighter things whenever he had convinced himself that he
could no longer work to advantage. I remember that during the whole of that memorable day
he lost himself in a monograph which he had undertaken upon the Polyphonic Motets of
- The Bruce-Partington Plans

As to Holmes, he returned
refreshed to his monograph upon the Polyphonic Motets of Lassus, which has since been
printed for private circulation, and is said by experts to be the last word upon the
- The Bruce-Partington Plans

Musica est Dei donum optimi |
Tristis est anima mea |
Matona mia cara |